Mind Map 1:
In my first mind map, I wanted to look at the problems I had with studying abroad. I was thinking about going to Italy, but there are no Communication programs there. Ireland and Australia were two other places that I thought I should consider because they have Communications programs, but do I really want to study abroad at those places instead of Italy? While making this map, I had problems trying to figure out what else I should include besides the cities of the places I was interested in, and how I would study abroad through those programs. Usually when I’m trying to make a decision, I look at the pros and cons. I ended up creating branches for the positive and negative aspects of each country. After returning to the mind map after my break , I had an AHA! moment when I was really trying to understand why I wanted to go abroad. I realized that what I wanted was to really explore and see a new place since I hardly travel. I also realized that aside from it being my dream for a long time, it would be an amazing experience for me, especially when certain schools don’t encourage studying abroad like Roger Williams.

Mind Map 2:
My second mind map was based off of the "interests" branch from my first mind map, which only included Ireland, Australia, and Italy. That way, I could really look at each country. Sometimes, I had trouble finding out why I wanted to go to certain countries more than others. I had another AHA! moment while working on this map. When I was trying to put down all of the reasons why I wanted to go to Italy, I realized that a big part of why I wanted to go there is because that’s where my family is from, and it has always been my dream to visit that place.

As a result of doing these mind maps, I was able to determine where I want to study abroad-Florence, Italy. These maps helped me to realize that I truly wanted to go to Italy all along, and the only reason why I considered Ireland and Australia was because they had programs for Communications students. Why study abroad in countries that you’re not particularly interested in when you could go somewhere that you’ve always wanted to go to? True, Italy does not have a program for communications, but I could take electives there, or go there for the core curriculum!