This assignment was very difficult. In order to get statistics that related to RWU, I had to travel to a lot of places on campus. I finally visited DSS to see if they had anything, and they gave me a couple of books that alumnus receive. These books have reports that include statistics on certain things like the numbers of students who applied and got accepted to RWU over the years. In excel, I had to incorporate three things into charts: the years, number of applicants, and acceptance rates. I even had to convert the percentages of the accepted students into whole numbers.
In order to create these three charts, I put all of the information into three columns and highlighted them. Then, I experimented with the different types of charts to see which ones would display the information best. I could not use the bar chart because the years would not be displayed best visually. I could not use certain charts because the years would not be displayed well, and the charts would not be visually pleasing. Originally, I had the percentages in my chart before I converted them to numbers. The percentages did not appear to show, and I did not know why. I realized that they did not show because the numbers of students were in the thousands, and the percentages were not above one-hundred, making them hard to see since they appeared at the way bottom. The last problem I had,was after I had converted the percentages into numbers. Somehow, those numbers turned into prices!
The story I was trying to tell is that RWU is getting more and more popular as the years go on. This means that anyone who applies to this school could have trouble getting in with all of the competition. As a result of doing this project, I learned that excel really is not an easy application to use. However, when displaying data, and once familiar with excel, it is a great application to work with!
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