Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lawncare Project

Doing the lawn care project was probably the hardest project that I have done in this class so far. I started off doing a diagram that was similar to the one we did in class, only it replaced the words with pictures. Everything was all over the place, and it looked a little confusing. Instead of sticking with that one as my final project, I made a chart. It was hard to create the chart because I was worried that no one would understand it. All of us were also told not to use a lot of ink. I tried making my chart as simple as possible to make it easily understandable.

To make the chart easily understandable, I drew two thermometers on the left side of the page, one whose temperature was over 90 degrees, and one’s whose temperature was less than 90 degrees. By drawing a line in between the two thermometers, I separated them to make two separate sections on the page. In the first section of the page (the section that instructed what to do if the temperature was over 90 degrees), I made three columns. One was for wet or dry temperatures, another was for pests, and the third was for fertilizers. To represent “dry temperatures,” I used an umbrella with raindrops on top of it. To represent “wet temperatures” I just used a raindrop. For pests, I drew a picture of an ant. If there were no pests, I drew the same ant crossed out. In the fertilizer section, I drew a picture of grass with tiny dots all over it. Underneath it, I just put the fertilizer formulas (A-1-1, A-1, etc). I repeated this same process in the second section of the page that was for a temperature that was less than 90 degrees.

This assignment was challenging at first, but I’m proud that I was able to do it. I love how the chart looks neat, and even though the symbols I made were simple, they turned out great! I think that making this chart was definitely an interesting process.